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Customer FAQ

Is this dropshipped?

In technical terms, no. The products are not dropshipped because we have a warehouse to consolidate goods that we then ship internationally from. We also work individually with the manufacturers and aren't simply getting products off AliExpress/Temu.

Can't I just buy directly from the sellers?

Unless you are a resident of the People's Republic of China, it will be very difficult as we specifically look for products on China-only websites. The goods are also only shipped domestically, which means along with getting a Wechat/QQ account using your legal ID, you would have to have a friend living in China or use a mail forwarding service.

How long does it take to ship?

Due to the nature of group ordering, shipping may vary. If an item is listed as a preorder, it means it still has to be manufactured, which may take up to 2 months after it is put on sale. Items currently in stock might also take a bit to ship out, as sometimes sellers only ship when the entire batch is sold. After the item is sent out for international shipping from our warehouse, it might take up to a month for it to arrive depending on circumstances. Things like customs will make the wait longer. However, tracking will be provided so you are able to know where the package currently is.

What currency is this in?

The item prices are all listed in the US dollar, but our payment processor automatically converts them to your local currency at checkout.

Do you ship to my country?

We have shipping rates set up for most countries in Europe, America and Asia. If the checkout says we are unable to ship to your location, feel free to contact us and we can check if there are routes available to your country.

Businesses FAQ

How does the payment process work?

We first gather the payment from customers and then pay you in your preferred method. Please feel free to contact us for more information.

What is "group ordering"?

Group ordering is popular in China. While the term is also used in the western K-Pop sphere, it functions a bit differently here. It is essentially gathering a group big enough to manufacture a good, like plushies in this instance. All the goods are shipped by vendors to our warehouse, from where we ship internationally to you.

How can my products be sold on TuanGO?

If you'd like to sell with us, please contact us so we can discuss it in more detail. Basically, we don't take a fee from manufacturers and you will not be shipping all the products from yourself directly so we can confirm everything is in good condition.

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